Great Zimbabwe

Echoes of a Glorious Past

Great Zimbabwe, one of Africa’s most significant historical sites, is located in southeastern Zimbabwe and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This ancient city is an architectural wonder, offering a glimpse into the rich history and cultural heritage of Zimbabwe.

Take a read of our visit to the area in this edition of our newsletter



  • Explore the Ruins: The centerpiece of Great Zimbabwe is the massive stone city that the site is named after. The city’s ruins are comprised of three main areas: the Hill Complex, the Great Enclosure, and the Valley Ruins. Explore the towering walls, narrow passages, and intricate stone masonry that make up this ancient city. Be sure to climb the Hill Complex for panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Visit the Great Enclosure: The Great Enclosure is the most famous structure within the ruins, characterized by its conical tower and massive dry stone walls. This structure is believed to have had both defensive and ceremonial purposes. It’s a fascinating place to explore and offers an opportunity for photography and contemplation.
  • Interpretive Centers: Great Zimbabwe has modern interpretive centers and museums that provide valuable information about the site’s history, its significance, and the culture of the people who built it. 


  • Learn About the History: Great Zimbabwe was built by the Shona people between the 11th and 15th centuries, and it served as the capital of a powerful kingdom. The site’s history is intertwined with the rise and fall of the Shona civilization, and it played a key role in trade networks in the region.
  • Guided Tours: To gain deeper insights into the history and significance of Great Zimbabwe, consider taking a guided tour. Knowledgeable guides can provide detailed information about the site’s construction, its function, and the culture of the Shona people. They can also answer questions and share interesting anecdotes about the ruins.